Director - Rivkah Denburg

rivkahwebsite.jpgAfter Rivkah established the Chabad of Boca Raton with her husband, Rabbi Moishe Denburg, in 1989, she decided to open an early childhood center due to a need within the community. Rivkah co-founded Torah Tots in 2000 and took over as Head of School in 2004.

Rivkah has an educational background and many years of experience teaching early childhood through middle school. Rivkah’s passion has always been educating children and implementing best practices from around the world.

Torah Tots Early Childhood Center focuses on developmentally appropriate programming thanks to Rivkah’s hard work. Rivkah believes in being current with early childhood research and always striving for improvement and growth.  As a mother of eight and a grandmother of many more, Rivkah is happiest when surrounded by children of her own and her Torah Tots students.